compiled a list of five stupidest technology questions ever Googled by people, which never had an answer or it will.
Here are the questions.

This question actually lies in the brink. But as of now there does not exist even a single written law that robots have to live by. So for the time being, they can do whatever they want and apparently you can’t do anything about it. So what about the future? There may come a day when your children will be playing with their surrogate copy robot and they may also come under the laws.

Ghosts are one of the worst things ever connected to technology. They are reported to appear everywhere, as voices in recordings to the strange voice you hear while swapping through the dead TV channels.
Apparently, you can’t do anything except listening to them and do whatever it says- May be pushing your haunted car off the bridge to beating up your disturbing neighbor and according to cracked, the voice will eventually leave you alone.

Whoever it is, ice is the worst. It sinks ships, gets under the car tire and hit you in the face at the end of your drink.
If you are still thinking, keep thinking about it.

It must be one of the dumbest question ever asked on Google and mostly the best one used to cheat the unaware millions in the cyber-space.
But according to Wicked, you can actually make money by reading the emails- not yours but your boss’s, especially when you find some words like affair, extortion or murder!

Many of the people are so optimistic about technology that they keep on asking the above question since the technology is likely not to stop inventing anytime in the future.
So cracked gave a list of things which you can invent now and they will pay you in long run. Here are some of them- magazines which glow in the dark, a secret translator which will make you understand what the birds and pets say and a special glass which lets you see animals with souls!