Journey With Myself Promotion : Promote to win a top level domains + Hosting!

This is a promotional giveaway where you could win the following prizes: Top Level Domains [Like *.com *.org *.in etc] Premium hosting for 1 year Many domains This promotion will run from Sunday, 12th October’ 2011 to 31st October’ 2011 00:00 hours (mid-night). Result of the promotion will be announced on within a week and prizes will be distributed to all the winners in the next 3 weeks’ time.

Every Day is A New Day

New day.. New office location.. New Seat.. So many new things happened to me before this new year comes. Newness always brings enthusiasm and excitement. Hope this New Year also comes with hand full of surprises as Every Day is a New Day indeed..!!!

12 Most Famous Love Stories of All Time

When: 31 BC Where: Rome and Egypt What’s So Special about Their Love: These two had a love so strong, war was waged against them to break them up. When Mark Antony left his wife, Octavia, for the mesmerizing Cleopatra, Octavia’s brother Octavian brought the army of Rome to destroy them. These two lovers were so entranced with each other that they committed suicide rather than be apart- the ultimate Romeo and Juliet true love story.

Mahatma`s Teachings

I like both the movies MunnaBhai MBBS and Lage Raho MunnaBhai. I dont know about the Gandhi`s political decisions but I believe in his teachings to the nation.

Universal Truth about Boys............lolz!!

Now i truly admit, Google is very very very smart......

Showing posts with label Result. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Result. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ways to Handle a Horrible Mother-in-Law

Most women are blessed with wonderful mother-in-laws. However, an unfortunate few find their mother-in-laws to be unbearable. For those who find themselves dealing with a stressful mother-in-law situation, here are some helpful tips.

Here are 10 ways to handle a horrible mother-in-law!

1. Separate Yourself

You may find it necessary to remove yourself from the situation to give yourself time to think things through and decide on a plan to come to terms with your mother-in-law. Be up front with her and let her know you that you need a “time-out.”

2. Don’t Take it Personally

Your mother-in-law’s behavior is most likely not personal; some mother-in-laws would never be satisfied with their son’s choice. Because you love your husband, try to quietly put up with her.

3. Make Up Your Mind

Don’t give up your power to your mother-in-law; make your mind up that regardless of how horrible she is that is will not impact your home and your ability to be a great wife and mother.

4. Husband Duty

It is your husband’s responsibility to lead the family and to protect you, even from his own mother. He should never allow his mother to make negative comments about you or to act badly towards you. Make sure he understands how you feel about the situation and his role in it.

5. Lock the Doors

Never give your in-laws the spare keys to your house. Unannounced visits are not always welcome visits, and if you or your husband give her keys, you’re giving up the power of inviting her, or NOT inviting her, over.

6. Talk to Her

Have an honest chat with your problematic mother-in-law. Fill her in on how her actions are affecting your family; perhaps she simply has no idea what her role as mother-in-law really is.

7. Two Sides to Every Story

Try to understand where your mother-in-law is coming from; maybe the situation is a gross misunderstanding or maybe she has a legitimate concern. Whatever her concern, address it and move on.

8. Always be the better person

This may be difficult but never approach your mother-in-law situation in anger. Address the situation with a cool head and open mind, and always, ALWAYS take the high road.

9. Put Yourself in Her Shoes

No matter how our children are, they are still our children. Your mother-in-law may be having trouble letting her son grow up. Imagine yourself in her shoes and gain from that perspective.

10. Always Try for a Loving Outcome

TRY to make it work. Concessions may need to be made but the give and take will be worth your effort to keep your family intact. She will be a part of your family until one of you dies, so why not make it bearable until then, right?

Working out your differences with your mother-in-law may not be easy or quick, but a peaceful result is well worth your efforts. Do you really want to be the wife who draws the line and asks her mother to choose between his mother and you? Be very careful with ultimatums, you may not like the outcome. Have you ever dealt with a monster-in-law? What other tips can you share for dealing with a terribly mother-in-law?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wounded by Love Agreement

The convention on the wounded by Love Agreement

General Provision:

Considering that it’s absolutely correct the saying that states that “all is fair in love and war”;

Considering that in war we have the Geneva Convention, adopted in August 22nd of 1864, that determines the fate of the wounded in battlefields whereas there is no convention that was promulgated until this day that deals with the wounded of love, who are much more populous;

It is here declared that:

Art. 1 – all lovers, male or female, are now being notified that love, besides being a blessing, is also something very dangerous, unpredictable and able to cause serious damages. Consequently the one who decides to love has to know that his or her body and soul are exposed to many types of wounds and will not be able to blame the partner in any moment, since the risk is equal to both.

Art. 2- Once a lost arrow from the bow of Cupid hits a person, that person has to immediately ask the archer to dart another arrow in the opposite direction, so that one will not fall prey to the wound famously known as “non-reciprocal love”. In case Cupid refuses such act, the Convention here promulgated demands that the wounded immediately retrieve the arrow from his heart and throw it in the bin.

In order to achieve this effect, the wounded has to avoid phone calls, internet messages, flower deliveries, or any other act of seduction, since these acts only achieve short term results and are inevitably erased by time. The convention declares that the wounded has to quickly seek the company of other people in order to control the obsessive thought “it’s still worth fighting for this person”.

Art. 3 – In case the wound comes from third parties, meaning, the loved one is interested by someone else who was not expected in the pre-established plans, it is hereby expressly forbidden any act of revenge. In this case, it is permitted the profuse use of tears, some punches on the wall or pillow, talks with friends where the wounded can freely insult the ex-partner, allege his or her complete lack of good taste, but refraining to lessen the partner’s honor.

The convention determines that art. 2 can also be applied: the wounded may seek the company of other people, preferably in places where the partner does not dwell.

Art. 4 – In case of light wounds, hereby classified as small betrayals, fulminating passions that do not last long, transitory sexual disinterest, one has to quickly and abundantly apply a medicine called Forgiveness. Once this medicine is applied, one must never look back and the subject must be completely forgotten, never being mentioned as an argument in occasional fights or moments of hate.

Art. 5 – In the case of definitive wounds, also called “break-ups”, the only medicine capable of truly healing one’s heart is Time. It’s pointless and ineffective to find consolation with fortune-tellers (who will always claim that the lost love will return), romantic books (in which the endings are always happy ones), TV soap operas or other similar things. One has to suffer with intensity, completely avoiding the use of drugs, painkillers, prayers. Alcohol is only allowed in moderation, never surpassing more than two glasses of wine a day.

Final Provision: the wounded of love, contrary to the wounded of armed conflicts, are neither victims nor torturers. They have chosen something that is part of life and therefore they have to face the agony and the ecstasy of their choice.

And for those that were never wounded by love, they will never be able to say: “I lived”. Because they haven’t.

This text was written in Geneva, June 25th, 2007

Monday, April 11, 2011

this would change your perception about all your relations and brighten your day for sure..!!!

TRUST is a very important factor for all relationships. When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship. Lack of trust leads to suspicion, suspicion generates anger, anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation.

A telephone operator told me that one day she received a phone call. She answered, "Public Utilities Board." There was silence. She repeated, "PUB." There was still no answer. When she was going to cut off the line, she heard a lady's voice, "Oh, so this is PUB. Sorry, I got the number from my Husband's pocket but I do not know whose number it is."

Without mutual trust, just imagine what will happen to the couple if the telephone operator answered with just "hello" instead of "PUB".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Virgo! About Your Sign...

Virgo is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. It is sometimes thought of as a potentially creative girl, delicately lovely; sometimes as a somewhat older woman, intelligent but rather pedantic and spinsterish. The latter impression is sometimes confirmed by the Virgoan preciseness, refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order, conventionality and aristocratic attitude of reserve. They are usually observant, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, practical supporters of the status quo, and tend toward conservatism in all departments of life. On the surface they are emotionally cold, and sometimes this goes deeper, for their habit of suppressing their natural kindness may in the end cause it to atrophy, with the result that they shrink from committing themselves to friendship, make few relationships, and those they do make they are careful to keep superficial.

But the outward lack of feeling may, in some individuals born under this sign, conceal too much emotion, to which they are afraid of giving way because they do not trust others, nor do they have confidence in themselves and their judgments. This is because they are conscious of certain shortcomings in themselves of worldliness, of practicality, of sophistication and of outgoingness. So they bring the art of self concealment to a high pitch, hiding their apprehensiveness about themselves and their often considerable sympathy with other people under a mantle of matter-of-factness and undemonstrative, quiet reserve. They are still waters that run deep. Yet in their unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable fashion, they can be sensible, discreet, well spoken, wise and witty, with a good understanding of other people's problems which they can tackle with a practicality not always evident in their own personal relationships.

Both sexes have considerable charm and dignity, which make some male Virgoans appear effeminate when they are not. In marriage they can be genuinely affectionate, making good spouses and parents, but their love making is a perfection of technique rather than the expression of desire, and they must be careful not to mate with a partner whose sex drive requires a passion they cannot match.

They are intellectually enquiring, methodical and logical, studious and teachable. They combine mental ingenuity with the ability to produce a clear analysis of the most complicated problems. They have an excellent eye for detail but they may be so meticulous that they neglect larger issues. Also, although they are realists, they may slow down projects by being too exact.
They are practical with their hands, good technicians and have genuine inventive talents, Thoroughness, hard work and conscientiousness are their hallmarks, and they are such perfectionists that, if things go wrong, they are easily discouraged. Because of their ability to see every angle of a many-sided question, they are unhappy with abstract theorizing. Appreciating the many different points of view as they do, they find philosophical concepts difficult, and they vacillate and have no confidence in any conclusions at which they arrive.

With these qualities, they are better as subordinates than leaders. Responsibility irks them and they often lack the breadth of strategic vision that a leader needs Virgoans are essentially tacticians, admirable in the attainment of limited objectives. Their self distrust is something they project on to other people and tends to make them exacting employers, though in the demands they make on those under them they temper this attitude with justice. They have potential abilities in the arts, sciences and languages. Language especially they use correctly, clearly, consciously and formally, as grammarians and etymologists rather than for literary interests, yet they are likely to have a good memory for apt quotations. Although they are well suited for careers in machine drawing, surveying and similar occupations, they are better fitted for a job in a library or office than a workshop.

Their minds are such that they need the stimulus of practical problems to be solved rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thought. They are careful with money and their interest in statistics makes them excellent bookkeepers and accountants. They also make good editors, physicists and analytical chemists. They may also find success as welfare workers, ministering to those less fortunate than themselves. They can be doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, confidential secretaries, technologists, inspectors, musicians, critics, public speakers and writers especially of reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Both sexes have a deep interest in history, a feature recognized by astrological authorities for at least two hundred years. If they go in for a business career their shrewdness and analytical ingenuity could tempt them into dishonesty, though they usually have enough moral sense to resist temptation. Female Virgoans may find a career in fashion, for they have a flair for dress, in which they can be trend setters. In any profession they choose the natives of this sign readily assimilate new ideas, but always with caution, conserving what they consider worth keeping from the past. They love country life but are unlikely to make good farmers, unless they can contrive to carry out their work without outraging their sense of hygiene and cleanliness.

Their faults, as is usual with all zodiacal types, are the extremes of their virtues. Fastidious reticence and modesty become old-maidishness and persnicketiness; balanced criticism becomes carping and nagging; and concern for detail becomes overspecialization. Virgoans are liable to indecision in wider issues and this can become chronic, turning molehills of minor difficulties into Himalayas of crisis. Their prudence can become guile and their carefulness, turned in on themselves, can produce worriers and hypochondriacs.
Possible Health Concerns...

Virgo is said to govern the hands, abdomen, intestines, spleen and central nervous system. Illnesses to which its natives are prone include catarrh, cold, coughs, pleurisies, pneumonia and nervous instabilities. Their natures make them inclined to worry and this makes them vulnerable to stomach and bowel troubles, including colic and ulcers. Male Virgoans may have trouble with their sexual organs. Both sexes are strongly interested in drugs and esoteric cuisine and as their delicate stomachs require them to be careful about their diet, it is essential that they treat their fascination with exotic food with extreme care.


* LIKES Health foods
* Lists
* Hygiene
* Order
* Wholesomeness

* DISLIKES Hazards to health
* Anything sordid
* Sloppy workers
* Squalor
* Being uncertain


As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Virgo you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.

Problem: Finding yourself frequently alone and unable to keep friends for more than a few weeks.
Solution: Try not to be argumentative over much and the constant criticism that Virgos give to their companions are not endearing qualities to have. Try to live and let live, they will love you for it.

Problem: People tend to avoid making close contact with you.
Solution: Being too preoccupied with health and making it a continual topic of conversation. Try to keep your tips and suggestions about health and health products to yourself unless asked for them.

Problem: Dissatisfied with the way your life is turning out; no excitement or change to speak of.
Solution: You may be restricting yourself by reducing your life to a set of theories and pigeon-holes. Try to express the positive by first asking yourself, Who or what are you serving; are you devoted or are you enslaved. Answer those questions and then start a new path that includes your true worth.

Problem: You may feel that your life and your climb to success is a steep hill that you may never be able to scale.
Solution: Try expressing the positive traits of your finely tuned analytical reasoning, employing the light touch with employees and coworkers, while expressing genuine concern for all; You will find those mountains turning into hills that you run right over.


Your ruling planet is MERCURY

Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 0.387
Sidereal period of orbit (years) 0.24
Equatorial radius (km) 2,439
Polar radius (km) 2,439
Body rotation period (hours) 1,408
Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 0
Number of observed satellites 0

The Virgin is the entity that is associated with your sign. The above picture is of the grotto in Lourdes, France where the Virgin appeared to the children. In the upper right you will see a statute of The Lady. The Virgin imparts purity of intent to the actions of the persons born under the sign of Virgo.

The colors for Virgo are GREEN AND DARK BROWN

Starstone is Sardonyx

Starstone is the beautiful, SARDONYX. The Sardonyx can be found with many different colored bands on it but the one suggested for Virgo is that of the reddish brown variety. It is in the quartz family and is mined around the world.

Some Famous Virgoeans That Share Your Sign!
August 23, 1970 - River Phoenix - Actor
August 24, 1770 - Friedrich Hegal - Writer
August 24, 1944 - Chris Chubbock - Celebrity
August 25, 1918 - Leonard Bernstein - Conductor
August 25, 1918 - George Wallace - Politician
August 25, 1930 - Sean Connery - Actor
August 25, 1933 - Regis Philbin - TV Personality
August 25, 1947 - Anne Archer - Actress
August 25, 1954 - Elvis Costello - Singer
August 26, 1819 - Prince Albert - Royalty
August 26, 1904 - Christopher Isherwood - Religious Figure
August 26, 1921 - Zipporah Dobyns - Astrologer
August 26, 1923 - Richard Attenborough - TV Host
August 27, 1871 - Theodore Dreiser - Writer
August 27, 1908 - Lyndon Johnson - President USA
Auguat 27, 1910 - Mother Teresa - Humanitarian
August 27, 1929 - Yasser Arafat - Political Figure
August 27, 1931 - Sri Chinmoy - Religious Leader
August 27, 1939 - Pee Wee Herman - Comdian
August 27, 1943 - Tuesday Weld - Actress
August 28, 1749 - Johann V. Goethe - Writer
August 29, 1876 - Frances Kettering - Engineer
August 29, 1907 - Don Loper - Designer
August 29, 1962 - Maeterlinck - Historical Figure
August 29, 1915 - Ingrid Bergman - Actress
August 29, 1938 - Elliot Gould - Actor
August 29, 1958 - Michael Jackson - Singer
August 30, 1797 - Mary Godwin Shelley - Writer
August 30, 1943 - Jean Claud Killy - Skier
August 31, 1880 - Queen Wilhelmina - Neth. Royalt
August 31, 1903 - Arthur Godfrey - Entertainer
August 31, 1908 - William Saroyan - Writer
August 31, 1916 - Daniel Schorr - Jounalist
August 31, 1924 - Buddy Hacket - Actor
August 31, 1928 - James Coburn - Actor
August 31, 1949 - Richard Gere - Actor
August 31, 1950 - Arthur Bremer - Criminal
September 1, 1875 - William Rice Burroughs - Writer
September 1. 1907 - Walter Reuther - Union Official
September 1, 1924 - Rocky Marciano - Boxer
September 1, 1938 - Alan Dershowitz - Attorney
September 1, 1939 - Lilly Tomlin - Comediene
September 1. 1957 - Gloria Estefan - Singer
September 2, 1919 - Marge Champion - Dancer
September 2, 1948 - Terry Bradshaw - Sports Figure
September 2, 1951 - Mark Harmon - Actor
September 2, 1961 - Michael Thiessen - Astrologer
September 3, 1935 - Eileen Brennan - Actress
September 3, 1943 - Valarie Perrine - Actress
September 3, 1965 - Charlie Sheen - Actor
September 4, 1530 - Ivan the Terrible - Royalty
September 4, 1824 - Anton Bruckner - Composer
September 4, 1896 - Antinon Artaud - Writer
September 4, 1908 - Richard Wright - Inventor
September 4, 1913 - Micky Cohen - Gangster
September 4, 1918 - Paul Harvey - Broadcaster
September 4, 1920 - Craig Claiborne - Writer
September 4, 1929 - Tomas Eagelton - Politician
September 5, 1912 - John Cage - Musician
September 5, 1913 - John Mitchell - Politician
September 5, 1927 - Paul Volcker - Federal Reserve
September 5, 1902 - Darryl F. Zanuck - Producer
September 5, 1929 - Bob Newhart - Actor
September 5, 1940 - Raquel Welch - Actress
September 6, 1888 - Joseph Kennedy Sr. - Famous Family
September 6, 1860 - Jane Adams - Social Worker
September 6, 1944 - Swoosie Kurtz - Actress
September 7, 1887 - Edith Sitwell - Writer
September 7, 1900 - Taylor Caldwell - Writer
September 7, 1924 - Daniel Inouye - Politician
September 7, 1943 - Peter Lynch - Financial Wiz
September 7, 1936 - Buddy Holly - Singer
September 8, 1841 - Antonin Dvorak - Composer
September 8, 1889 - Robert Taft - Politician
September 8, 1922 - Lyndon Larouche - Celebrity
September 8, 1924 - Grace Metalious - Writer
September 8, 1925 - Peter Sellers - Actor
September 8, 1948 - Sam Nun - Politician
September 9, 1890 - Jimmy “the Greek Snyder - Celebrity
September 9. 1925 - Cliff Robertson - Actor
September 9, 1941 - Otis Redding - Musician
September 9, 1951 - Michael Keaton - Actor
September 10, 1929 - Arnold Palmer - Sport Figure
September 10, 1934 - Charles Kuralt - Journalist
September 10, 1945 - Jose Feliciano - Singer
September 10, 1948 - Margaret Trudeau - Political Wife
September 10, 1953 - Amy Irving - Actress
September 10, 1924 - Tom Landry - Sports Figure
September 11, 1862 - O. Henry - Writer
September 11, 1885 - D.H. Lawrence - Writer
September 11, 1932 - Bob Packwood - Politician
September 11, 1940 - Brian Depalma - Director
September 11, 1962 - Kristy McNichol - Actress
September 12, 1880 - Henry L. Menken - Writer
September 12, 1888 - Maurice Chevalier - Actor
September 12, 1940 - Linda Gray - Actress
September 13, 1819 - Clara Schumann - Composer
September 13, 1857 - Milton Hershey - Industrialist
September 13, 1905 - Claudette Colbert - Actress
September 13, 1944 - Jacqueline Bissett - Actress
September 13, 1948 - Nell Carter - Actress
September 14, 1879 - Margaret Sanger - Activist
September 15, 1789 - George Fenimore Cooper - Writer
September 15, 1857 - William H. Taft - President US
September 15, 1880 - Agatha Christie - Writer
September 15, 1922 - Jackie Cooper - Actor
September 16, 1638 - Lousi XIV 'Sun King' - Royalty
September 16, 1924 - Lauren Bacall - Actress
September 16, 1926 - Rev. Robert Schuller - Religious Leader
September 17, 1907 - Warren Burger - U.S. Justice
September 17, 1931 - Anne Bancroft - Actress
September 17, 1948 - John Ritter - Actor
September 18, 1916 - Rossano Brazzi - Actor
September 18, 1962 - Refrigerator Perry - Sports Figure
September 18, 1905 - Greta Garbo - Actress
September 19, 1928 - Mickey Mouse - Cartoon Character
September 19, 1941 - Cass Elliot - Singer
September 19, 1948 - Jeremy Irons - Actor
September 19, 1949 - Twiggy - Model
September 19, 1950 - Joan Lunden - TV Personality
September 20, 1853 - Chulalonghorn, Siam - Royalty
September 20, 1878 - Upton Sinclare - Writer
September 20, 1928 - Dr. Joyce Brothers - Psychologist
September 20, 1934 - Sophia Loren - Actress
September 21, 1874 - Gustave Holst - Composer
September 21, 1866 - H. G. Wells - Writer
September 21, 1931 - Harry Hagman - Actor
September 21, 1944 - Hamilton Jordon - Press Secretary
September 21, 1947 - Stephen King - Writer
September 21, 1950 - Bill Murray - Actor
September 22, 1932 - Ingemar Johansson - Boxer
September 22, 1960 - Joan Jett - Singer
September 22, 1960 - Tai Babilonia - Skater

The Zodiac is made up of 12 different sun signs. Your date of birth determines which one you are. Chek out yours..

* Aries - March 21 - April 20
* Taurus - April 21 - May 21
* Gemini - May 22 - June 21
* Cancer - June 22 - July 22
* Leo - July 23 -August 23
* Virgo - August 22 - September 22
* Libra - September 24 - October 23
* Scorpio - October 24 - November 22
* Sagittarius - November 23 - December 21
* Capricorn - December 22 - January 20
* Aquarius - January 21 - February 19
* Pisces - February 20- March 20

Friday, December 31, 2010

What an Awesome Reply man!

It was a hot meeting at the office conference hall.
All the people from the department had been called. The VP was looking much tensed.

The mood was so bad. My friend asked me – “Hey, what is this meeting all about?
I told – May be they will decide on when to have the next meeting.

People around smiled at each other. Then the VP started talking.
It was about the recent attrition rate that was so high. Around 10 people had put in their papers.

All experienced guys. It was quarter end and so work was huge. If we do not complete the work on time,
we need to be paying heavy penalty said the VP.

The VP turned to the manager and told “Hey – take how much ever resources you want. Recruit or
take them from other departments. But complete the work in another 25 days. Take people and complete
it man.

To this the sweet manager replied “Sir! Give me one wife and nine months and I shall show you results.
Don’t give me nine wives and one month. I cannot do anything.” Everyone looked at him blank.

The VP was not prepared for this answer. We looked at the manager and thought
“What an Awesome Reply man!”

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Live Life The Way You Want

In fact, right now as I am writing,
I just want you to feel very comfortable with yourself.
Just relax! Take a deep breathe and count one, two, three
and breathe out slowly.

How many of you are still going to work,
hoping to find better balance in life when u never seemed
to have it all all at the same time?

No one can take better control of your life other than yourself.
Reports have shown that those who have control over what they want
in life have better overall wellness, able to associate better
with others, due to the positiveness in them.

Imgaine running your work at your fingertips where everything
seemed much easier with easy ease.

But wait a second, are you afraid to try something unknown to you
due to fear.

You really have nothing to worry about.

Before anyone of us is successful in life, most of us go through
the following phrase:

Acquire of a product
product doesn't seem to work that well
we go under depression
we work on the product again
more work
more results=less sweat,
more effect =


In all area of life, everything is a process,
we cannot cheat the learning process.
It is through the learning process that we rediscover
ourselves again and build a better and stronger inner self.

So why not allow yourself some time to relax and
take better control of your life just the way you want.

Remember, your mind is the captain of your subconscious mind
who controls the soldiers. The soldiers follow the captain's order.

So tell your mind, YOU CAN!!!

I will see you on the top:)

Things You'll Need:

* A relax mind
* Happy mindset

Step 1

Get yourself a daily journal. Record the five major concern in your life.

Step 2

Each day, go through your five major concerns and write down ways in which you can make slight improvement to better it.

Step 3

Be consistent! Take note of the changes in yourself. Feel the difference!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Financial Meltdown :- The Story of the Bubble that Burst

Once there was a little island country. The land of this country was the tiny island itself. The total money in circulation was 2 dollar as there were only two pieces of 1 dollar coins circulating around.

1) There were 3 citizens living on this island country. A owned the land. B and C each owned 1 dollar.

2) B decided to purchase the land from A for 1 dollar. So, A and C now each own 1 dollar while B owned a piece of land that is worth 1 dollar.

3) C thought that since there is only one piece of land in the country and land is non produceable asset, its value must definitely go up. So, he borrowed 1 dollar from A and together with his own 1 dollar, he bought the land from B for 2 dollar.

A has a loan to C of 1 dollar, so his net asset is 1 dollar.

B sold his land and got 2 dollar, so his net asset is 2 dollar.

C owned the piece of land worth 2 dollar but with his 1 dollar debt to A, his net asset is 1 dollar.

The net asset of the country = 4 dollar.

4) A saw that the land he once owned has risen in value. He regretted selling it. Luckily, he has a 1 dollar loan to C. He then borrowed 2 dollar from B and and acquired the land back from C for 3 dollar. The payment is by 2 dollar cash (which he borrowed) and cancellation of the 1 dollar loan to C.

As a result, A now owned a piece of land that is worth 3 dollar. But since he owed B 2 dollar, his net asset is 1 dollar.

B loaned 2 dollar to A. So his net asset is 2 dollar.

C now has the 2 coins. His net asset is also 2 dollar.

The net asset of the country = 5 dollar. A bubble is building up.

(5) B saw that the value of land kept rising. He also wanted to own the land. So he bought the land from A for 4 dollar. The payment is by borrowing 2 dollar from C and cancellation of his 2 dollar loan to A.

As a result, A has got his debt cleared and he got the 2 coins. His net asset is 2 dollar.

B owned a piece of land that is worth 4 dollar but since he has a debt of 2 dollar with C, his net Asset is 2 dollar.

C loaned 2 dollar to B, so his net asset is 2 dollar.

The net asset of the country = 6 dollar. Even though, the country has only one piece of land and 2 Dollar in circulation.

(6) Everybody has made money and everybody felt happy and prosperous.

(7) One day an evil wind blowed. An evil thought came to C’s mind. “Hey, what if the land price stop going up, how could B repay my loan. There is only 2 dollar in circulation, I think after all the land that B owns is worth at most 1 dollar only.” A also thought the same.

(8) Nobody wanted to buy land anymore. In the end, A owns the 2 dollar coins, his net asset is 2 dollar. B owed C 2 dollar and the land he owned which he thought worth 4 dollar is now 1 dollar. His net asset become -1 dollar.

C has a loan of 2 dollar to B. But it is a bad debt. Although his net asset is still 2 dollar, his Heart is palpitating.

The net asset of the country = 3 dollar again.

Who has stolen the 3 dollar from the country ?

Of course, before the bubble burst B thought his land worth 4 dollar. Actually, right before the collapse, the net asset of the country was 6 dollar in paper. his net asset is still 2 dollar, his heart is palpitating.
Subscribe to REACHOUT

The net asset of the country = 3 dollar again.

(9) B had no choice but to declare bankruptcy. C as to relinquish his 2 dollar bad debt to B but in return he acquired the land which is worth 1 dollar now.

A owns the 2 coins, his net asset is 2 dollar. B is bankrupt, his net asset is 0 dollar. (B lost everything) C got no choice but end up with a land worth only 1 dollar (C lost one dollar) The net asset of the country = 3 dollar.

There is however a redistribution of wealth.

A is the winner, B is the loser, C is lucky that he is spared.

A few points worth noting -

(1) When a bu bb le is building up, the debt of individual in a country to one another is also building up.

(2) This story of the island is a close system whereby there is no other country and hence no foreign debt. The worth of the asset can only be calculated using the island’s own currency. Hence, there is no net loss.

(3) An overdamped system is assumed when the bubble burst, meaning the land’s value did not go down to below 1 dollar.

(4) When the bubble burst, the fellow with cash is the winner. The fellows having the land or extending loan to others are the loser. The asset could shrink or in worst case, they go bankrupt.

(5) If there is another citizen D either holding a dollar or another piece of land but refrain to take part in the game. At the end of the day, he will neither win nor lose. But he will see the value of his money or land go up and down like a see saw..

(6) When the bubble was in the growing phase, everybody made money..

(7) If you are smart and know that you are living in a growing bubble, it is worthwhile to borrow money (like A ) and take part in the game. But you must know when you should change everything back to cash.

(8) Instead of land, the above applies to stocks as well.

(9) The actual worth of land or stocks depend largely on psychology.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Love yourself.. Love your life.. No matter what..!!

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.

"If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right."

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

Yeh life hai yaar. . Take it Lightly. . ! !

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Need Of Rosary With 108 Beads ?

Our ancient sages and hermits have regarded a rosary with 108 beads as highly beneficial. They have also shed ample light on their reasoning behind this belief.

In a year, the Sun has 216000 phases in all. It remains southward and northwards for a period of six months alternatively. Thus, it has two kinds of movements in a year. To find out the number of phases, the Sun can have total number of its phases i.e. 216000 is divided by 2.

216000/2= 108000

Thus in one kind of motion, the Sun has 108000 phases. Removing all the trailing zeroes from this number, we find 108. This number has great religious as well as astrological significance. Hence use of rosary with 108 beads is mandatory.

Entire path of the constellations is spread in all the four directions. There are 27 different constellations that according to astrology mostly influence human life. Our sages multiplied this number of constellations (27) by four and fixed the resultant number (108) as the required number of beads in a rosary. Thus with 108 beads, a rosary depicts the entire path of 27 constellations and all the four directions. Apart from it, each constellation has four segments. Thus, all the 27 constellations have 108 segments in all. This combination is also reflected in 108 beads of a rosary.

According to another hypothesis, a human being breathes 21600 times in an Ahoratra (day and night taken together).


Thus half period of an Ahoratra is passed in activities like sleeping, eating, bathing and all other mundane tasks. Another half of an Ahoratra comprising of 10800 breaths must be reserved for reciting God's name. Scriptures also dictate that not even a single breath ought to go waste in our life. Hence scriptures advice that a person tells a rosary with 108 beads atleast once in a day simultaneously chanting the Lord's name, all the breaths find a purpose. If rosary is told with proper rituals, it yields hundred times more benefits. By proper rituals, it means telling of rosary atleast 100 times a day. Thus it equals (108 x 100) to 10800 i.e. equal to half the number of breaths during an Ahoratra. All it means to say that number of telling of rosary that is necessary to make the number of breaths purposeful can be known only with the help of a rosary having 108 beads. Hence provision for 108 beads in a rosary has been provided by our sages.

There is yet another reason for the provision of 108 beads in a rosary. There are 10800 Muhurts in a year. Three major Vedas also contain 10800 couplets. Average age of a human being has also been assumed to be 100 years. If 10800 Muhurts are divided by the average life span of a human being, we find 108. Telling of rosary atleast once a day depicts that a human being has finished study of Vedas in his entire life.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Intercourse : When And Why

Exponents of scriptures have intertwined every human activity with certain norms for the benefit of society and saving a man from fall. The whole universe is a result of union of masculine and feminine forces. Life forms are nothing but innumerable distinct manifestation of nature, the invisible force that pervades the entire universe. Barring some lower primitive life forms, all the higher living beings require union of male and female forces for their continuation. Human being is no exception to this rule.

Since the day humans appeared on earth, continuation of this race involved physical union of man and woman. With time, this union evolved into elaborate rituals and refined institution like marriage. Long ago, our ancestors devised certain norms and taboos in order to ensure sanctity in the relation between man and woman. They had complete control over their sexual drives while they honoured the tradition of their clans regarding selection of mate.

For the benefit of the individual and the society as a whole, it is imperative that a thing should be done at the right and auspicious moment. Only then such a thing could be favourable for the doer. The same thing applies to the physical union of man and woman. Scriptures have very clearly opined in this regard. Accordingly, after the menses, intercourse should be carried out on any auspicious moment on days except the fourth, eighth, fourteenth and moonless and full moon nights.

Time from the appearance of menses, up to the sixteenth day is known as Ritukaal for a woman. During this period, a woman is especially in heat and an intercourse without the use of contraceptives is sure to result into a pregnancy. The first four nights of this period are forbidden period. During this time, dark-coloured blood with peculiar smell flows. Contact with such a woman is harmful for both the partners physically as well as psychologically.

Besides the first four nights, intercourse is prohibited on the eleventh and thirteenth nights also. Remaining ten nights are completely conducive for the intercourse. Even on these ten days, if a festival or full moon and moonless nights fall, intercourse must be postponed. Positions of the Sun and the Moon on these days are such that their combined effects influence profoundly the human psychology and the movement of fluids in the body. An intercourse involves perfect streamlining of bodily fluids and if it is carried out on any of these days, adverse effects on the body cannot be ruled out. Even a child that a woman bears, on full moon and moonless nights may carry these defects like having two heads, a tail, four hands, joint bodies or psychological defects like being cruel, daredevils, murderers etc. Even the birds and animals enjoy intercourse at a prefixed time set by the nature. The male bird and animal scent their female counterparts to judge whether they are really ready to conceive or not. They proceed to intercourse only when the female is in oestrous.

Nights have been fixed as the precise period for enjoying intercourse. Even at night, time from nine to twelve is most conducive that to at least one and half-hours after taking dinner. Intercourse is strictly prohibited at twilight of dawn and dusk. It has a spiritual as well as physical significance. An intercourse carried out at unfavourable time always leads to the birth of a demonic child. Ravan is one such profound example. Despite being a Brahmin by birth, he developed demonic virtues for his parents had an intercourse at twilight.

In the modern era, when girls are faring well in almost every field and are no less than the boys, there are many people who long for a son. In their effort to have a son, such people keep on producing many girl children and blame the destiny for their condition. Practice of patience and recognition of appropriate time is important for such people who want to have a son. Such people must carry out intercourse on the even days after the menses that is they should carry out intercourse on sixth, eighth, tenth, twelfth, fourteenth or sixteenth day after the menses. Intercourse on the odd days that is fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth and fifteenth days after the menses is favourable for having a girl child. It is said that during an intercourse, excess of seminal fluid leads to a boy child whereas excess of Ruj (female fluid of excitement) leads to the birth of a girl child.

It is said that after the menses are over, a peculiar kind of excitement (cupid wave) overtakes the woman. This wave rises and falls on alternate days. On even days, cupid wave subsides whereas on odd days, it surges. Thus, having intercourse on auspicious moments in auspicious days not only maintains sanctity and good health that also helps one to get a desired offspring.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Why Shivlinga Is Worshipped

The word Linga implies mark or symbol. In Sankhya Darshan, an ancient stream of Indian philosophy even Prakriti (nature) and Vikriti (distortion of nature) have been referred to as Linga. Skand Purana says LAYANAALLINGA MUCHCHYATE. That means, Linga is Pralay. During the Pralay, everything is incinerated and annihilated in Linga. Even Vedas and other scriptures too annihilate in the Linga. All of them then reappear from the Linga when the creation begins afresh once again.

According to a tale in Shiva Purana, once, a dispute erupted between Brahma and Vishnu regarding greatness. Both of them claimed their greatness. The dispute grew so high that, it is said in the tale, Brahma and Vishnu got ready to destroy each other. Just then, a gigantic Shiva Linga appeared between them. It was radiating intense flames. A celestial voice advised Brahma and Vishnu to fathom the beginning and end of the Linga in order to prove their greatness. But none of them could fathom the Linga completely and returned in submission. Lord Shiva then appeared in the Linga and said- "Since I have myself appeared from this Linga, this place will be known as Lingasthan in future and this fathomless Linga will assume a miniature appearance so that all the living beings can easily have a complete sight of it and worship it.

One day, Shankar was roaming in Daarukvana completely naked and carrying His own phallus in hands. His appearance and activity had a luring affect on the women folk of the sages who inhabited the forest. But at the same time, it infuriated the sages as well who cursed Shankar that His phallus would fall on the earth. Indeed, the phallus fell upon the earth but began to burn everything because of its intense flames. All the gods prayed Lord Shiva to end this ordeal. At their prayers, Lord Shiva installed the Linga in a vagina. In this form, Shiva Linga is still worshipped all over the world. Shiva Linga installed in vagina in fact symbolizes divine nature and the supreme masculine force.

Once, Shukracharya visited Kailash to see Lord Shiva but he could not see Him because Shiva was then copulating with Shakti. Indignant Shukracharya cursed Shiva that only His union with the feminine genital would be worshipped.

According to a tale in Narad Panchratra, all other deities except Shiva are womanish in virtues. With the power of their penance, Brahma, Vishnu and Daksha produced Kaalika Devi. Devi asked them to seek a boon. They said- "O mother! You please lure Lord Shiva in the incarnation of Daksha’s daughter."

Kaalika said- "How can I do it. He is a small boy and no match for me."

Brahma assured her that Shiva was not a small boy and was in fact a complete man. Kaalika then took birth as Daksha’s daughter, Sati. In due course of time, she got married to Lord Shiva. Whenever and wherever radiance resulted from their copulation, it fell on the earth and assumed the form of Shiva Linga installed in vagina.

According to another tale, the gods and the demons had frequent wars and every time, the demons used to defeat the gods. Every time after their defeat, the gods took refuge at Brahma. Thus, annoyed by their frequent visits, Brahma led the gods to Lord Shiva and asked about the reason for their frequent defeats. Lord Shiva said- "The gods do not worship my Linga whereas the demons worship my Linga with full faith and devotion. This is the main reason for the gods’ frequent defeats."

Thus, following Lord Shiva’s advice, the gods also started worshipping Shivalinga. By the virtue of this worship, their strength increased steadily.

A Shivalinga typically represents Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Brahma is present at the base of Shivalinga, Vishnu in the middle and the upper part is occupied by Lord Shiva Himself.


Nature is the combined manifestation of all the vaginas, which symbolize fertility. It is in the root of Shivalinga also. A Shivalinga established in a vagina shows supremacy of joy and is in itself joy. Shivalinga symbolizes all the ingredients of the universe. Because of all these reasons, Shivalinga is worshipped.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Situation @ Work

After two years of corporate world including,
‘Another one , and you are fired’ as well as ‘Great work , so unlike you !’ emails ,

All I can do is offer a big advice to those who are yet to order their business suits – Love your work .At least try to love it . But remember you are just an employee filling a job profile for them .

The day you don’t punch out the right result , they are going to help you pack your stuff and take it home in a cardboard box . So know what is important.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Where's my purpose , dude ?

P.S. : Any use of words with violent or abusive connotations is due to a lack of breakfast and a shoulder pain resulting from the awkward position I slept in LAST NIGHT.

First of all , I am not sad . I have a decent career taking off , a family I love , friends I love, and my moto ming bluetooth headset I am beginning to love. So it would only take a couple of Himesh Reshammiya's CDs to make me feel sad . On a related note , I yesterday saw the video of "teri yaad na aye" from Himesh on MTV . The guy is crying lakes in the video . I had this urge to actually reach into the screen , wipe his face with a tissue and say "Na munna na , sab theek ho jayega ."

But even though I am not sad , I have a little thought nibbling on me this morning . The more I live , the more I realise two things . First , I still don't have a 'purpose' in my life . And second , now that I have lived some more , I have lesser time to find that purpose .It is like 3 years back I was "Chill yar" . I am only 18 . Only Lord Krishna found a purpose in life at that age." But Now I am like "Umm . I am almost 21 . And I think I will find a bigger meaning in life right after a little nap. "

Sure , I have phases of 'being driven' in my life . Like I wake up and say 'Right . Today I will call the Hutch Customer care people and tell them they should be looting banks in ski masks and not calling themselves a telecom service provider for all the scary things they are doing to my connection'.

" Oh right . Now all the things that seemed stupid and mundane to me make sense".I don't have a purpose which unites all the things I do and drives me and makes me say "Oh yeah , so this is what it was all about". In fact , that's the problem bugging me right now . I don't know what's it all about .Maybe there isn't supposed to be a purpose , a bigger meaning in life . Just live , have fun , eat good chinese food , watch movies , and of course , there is a moto ming headset .

Starting a Monday with such things I can almost imagine Lord Krishna sitting up there on a cloud and shaking his head and telling me "Take it easy kid ".
You know naa what that means for a working chap ?

So gulp some sandwiches and a hot coffee and everything will make sense & start working .

All the kids please get up and clap because my breakfast is finally here . And nothing gets in between a hungry me and a hot breakfast . So now yours truly will step back into the big bad corporate world . Let's pacify the rats in my tummy now . As for the purpose of life ...umm....pehle kha leti hoon !